QuickBooks Job Profitability Report

Job Profitability Reports - Are All About Finding Out Where You Are Making And Losing Money!

80/20 Rule Top 20%

The 80/20 Rule - Says the top 20% of your customers are responsible for 80% of your profit! Job Profitability Summary - Summarizes the profits your company earned from serving each construction customer within the date range you selected on the report.

The Key Column - Is the Percentage (%) of Difference. This tells you which customers are profitable and which ones are not. In this example it is Sam Hill is in the top twenty percent (20%) and Henry Mancini is in the bottom eighty percent (80%).

In Most Cases - When I run this report for a contractor, after we clean-up QuickBooks, the contractors are amazed because more often than not their "Friends and Family" are the least profitable and the customers who make very little fuss or cause problems are the most profitable.


Job Costing Services

Profit & Loss by Job - Shows you how much profit you are making or losing on each job depending on the date range you selected.

The Key Column - Is the Percentage (%) of Income. This tells you which of your customers are most profitable and least profitable. In this example it is Sam Hill is in the top twenty percent (20%) of the income scale and Henry Mancini is in the bottom eighty percent (80%).

Fast Easy Accounting QuickBooks Profit And Loss By Job Report Analyzed

Unbilled Costs by Job- Report shows a list of costs assigned to a specific customer or job that has not been billed.

The Key Column - Is the "Billing Status" because as new costs are added this report will grow and as existing costs are Billed this report will shrink. Also any jobs that are Fixed Bid that appear in the "Billing Status" will need to be opened and fixed otherwise this report will become cluttered and useless.


Every Ninety Days Or Less - Replace your least profitable customer and replace them with someone who is like the people in the Top Twenty Percent (20%) and watch your profits soar!

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