The Policy of Whistleblowing in Nigeria

One of the most direct methods of exposing corruption in corporate or public institutions is whistleblowing. Quite a number of countries, including Nigeria, have introduced a whistleblowing policy. Among its provisions is to deter corrupt behaviours and guide formal investigations into them. However, Nigeria still lags far behind in this respect, perhaps out of structural inertia in dealing with corruption cases. In this article, the author argues that Nigeria can benefit from the institutional, educational and spiritual framework embedded in whistleblowing in Islam through ‘amr bi-l-ma'rūf wa-naḥy ‘an al-munkar i.e., enjoining good and forbidding wrong. The article, through historical and descriptive approaches, explains the policy of whistleblowing from the Islamic perspective, hence, clarifying some Muslims misconceptions. This study, therefore, presents Islamic principles on the whistleblowing policy and explains some pivotal approaches to addressing whistleblowing policy in.

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Objective – In relation to this, this paper is aimed at portraying the elements of hisbah with regard to the contemporaneous atmosphere; namely ombudsman within the ambit of the modern world. Methodology/Technique – In the process of playing its important role of enjoining good and forbidding evil, this system has been evolved in accordance with the surrounding atmosphere wonderfully. It should be emphasized that the fundamental doctrines and principles has been rooted since the period of the Prophet’s lifetime. Consequently, this administration system of justice later has been developed luxuriously to be institutionalized, together with own identity and entity during the period of Al-Mawardi (died 450 H). Simultaneously, the fuqaha has played such significant roles by virtue of this remarkably scenario, that is, for the purpose of governing the principles of justice in the society properly. Findings – The institution of hisbah has been acknowledged as one of the main components of Islamic judicial institutions which has a link with various institutions, inter alia, qada’, mazalim and also shurtah. Novelty – In addition, it is hoped that; throughout this paper, a better understanding could be gained pertaining to the future prospects of hisbah holistically.

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