okay, so after reading SO MANY THREADS regarding what's true on sending dat reports to school, I finally have gotten the answer.

1. Through DENTPIN, if AADSAS recieved your scored report from ADA (can be checked on your application on "OFFICAL DAT SCORE" section), your DAT scores will be on your application and will be visible to ALL the schools you designated.

2. I guess up until last year, dental schools checked applicants' DAT scores through ADA website. Through ADA, schools that you paid 25 dollars or the 5 schools you marked when you signed up for DAT, will be able to see your score on the ADA website. If any other schools want to see your score through ADA, they won't be able to, unless you release scores to the schools (paying 25 dollars to schools).

3. so, it is up to schools decision whether to accept DAT score on your application is sufficient (I don't see why not, since it is official; not self-reported. If it is not accepted, there is no point of this whole "DENTPIN" thing). Most of schools I am applying to said it's sufficient. There are some schools who are not sure of this whole thing.

so this is it..hopefully it helped you guys too. good luck!!

*** Here is the summary. This info is from calling AADSAS, this one smart lady explained clearly what was going on. Long story short, ADA won't release your score if you dont pay extra, whereas AADSAS is putting your score on your application to all the schools you designated. It doesn't matter whether ADA releases your scores to dental schools or not, since your app will have your DAT score anyway! Some schools might ask for extra copy to double check but very unlikely!****

Last edited: Jun 30, 2010


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10+ Year Member Joined Aug 6, 2009 Messages 982 Reaction score 1

okay, so after reading SO MANY THREADS regarding what's true on sending dat reports to school, I finally have gotten the answer.

1. Through DENTPIN, if AADSAS recieved your scored report from ADA (can be checked on your application on "OFFICAL DAT SCORE" section), your DAT scores will be on your application and will be visible to ALL the schools you designated.

2. I guess up until last year, dental schools checked applicants' DAT scores through ADA website. Through ADA, schools that you paid 25 dollars or the 5 schools you marked when you signed up for DAT, will be able to see your score on the ADA website. If any other schools want to see your score through ADA, they won't be able to, unless you release scores to the schools (paying 25 dollars to schools).

3. so, it is up to schools decision whether to accept DAT score on your application is sufficient (I don't see why not, since it is official; not self-reported). Most of schools I am applying to said it's sufficient. There are some schools who are not sure of this whole thing.

so this is it..hopefully it helped you guys too. good luck!!

So. you called up all the schools you applied to and asked?


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10+ Year Member Joined Oct 27, 2009 Messages 106 Reaction score 0 So. you called up all the schools you applied to and asked?


Life is good
10+ Year Member Joined Jan 8, 2010 Messages 211 Reaction score 1 Thaaaaank you! This was helpful


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10+ Year Member Joined Jan 23, 2010 Messages 299 Reaction score 10

sorry but i believe this info is incorrect, though i wish you were right

i contacted aadsas and asked if having our score on aadsas through dentpin would mean we're set, or if we had to pay additional money so that schools would be able to see that score. ada has long been mantaining we have to pay the 25 dollars per school. This is what aadsas said concerning this specific question:

"The ADA has informed you correctly. You will need to pay to have your score released to all schools which you have designated through the ADA. Have a good day."

the correct procedure, from what i believe is:

1. if you have dentpin, your score will be uploaded onto aadsas
2. you have to pay for each school (besides the 5 free ones) that you designated in your application, so that ADA can give AADSAS permission to release that dentpin score to them


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10+ Year Member 15+ Year Member Joined Sep 1, 2008 Messages 1,211 Reaction score 8

: When I register for the DAT, do I designate which dental schools to release my DAT scores? A: When you register for the DAT, you are encouraged to indicate the dental schools where you would like your scores to be sent. This will ensure that each of these schools can receive your DAT scores directly from the American Dental Association, in addition to your scores being reported through ADEA AADSAS. We realize that when you sign up for the DAT, you may not have decided which dental schools you will be applying to. As long as you have indicated at least one ADEA AADSAS-participating dental school in your DAT registration, your official DAT scores will be imported into your ADEA AADSAS application. ADEA AADSAS includes your official DAT scores in your application that is sent to every dental school you have designated in your ADEA AADSAS application.



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10+ Year Member Joined Oct 27, 2009 Messages 106 Reaction score 0

sorry but i believe this info is incorrect, though i wish you were right

i contacted aadsas and asked if having our score on aadsas through dentpin would mean we're set, or if we had to pay additional money so that schools would be able to see that score. ada has long been mantaining we have to pay the 25 dollars per school. This is what aadsas said concerning this specific question:

"The ADA has informed you correctly. You will need to pay to have your score released to all schools which you have designated through the ADA. Have a good day."

the correct procedure, from what i believe is:

1. if you have dentpin, your score will be uploaded onto aadsas
2. you have to pay for each school (besides the 5 free ones) that you designated in your application, so that ADA can give AADSAS permission to release that dentpin score to them

*** Here is the summary. This info is from calling AADSAS, this one smart lady explained clearly what was going on. Long story short, ADA won't release your score if you dont pay extra, whereas AADSAS is putting your score on your application to all the schools you designated. It doesn't matter whether ADA releases your scores to dental schools or not, since your app will have your DAT score anyway! Some schools might ask for extra copy to double check but very unlikely!****

What you are saying is partially true, but my info is correct (not to offend you! hahah).
so ADA and AADSAS are totally SEPERATE. Schools can check your score through either ADA or AADSAS. Until last year, dental schools verified applicants' DAT score through ADA (NOT AADSAS!). However, starting this year, our DAT score will be on our application. ONE SAME APPLICATION TO ALL THE SCHOOLS YOU DESIGNATE. ALL dental schools that are recieving your application will be able to see your DAT score on your app(as long as your score AADSAS received your score through DENTPIN). It is schools' decision to decide to take it as official or not. Most schools consider it official as it is directly imported to our app from ADA through our unique DENTPIN.

It is TRUE that schools that you didn't select to send your DAT score from ADA(by not paying 25 dollars or not selecting them when you were taking DAT) will not be able to see your score, but schools most likely will NOT check your score with ADA since we have our scores on our application with AADSAS. Does this make sense? So ADA wasn't lying when they said schools won't be able to see your score if you don't pay extra; Schools you didn't allow ADA to release your score by not paying extra will not be able to see you score through ADA. Does it matter? NO, because you have your official DAT score on your application through AADSAS!
Schools can check your score through either ADA or AADSAS. As I said, for MOST of schools, if your DAT is on your AADSAS, you are good to go! peanutb123 confirms my info! thanks!