Alkali metals and halogens worksheet answers 36

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The Periodic Table
1 Why did Dmitri Mendeleev leave gaps in his Periodic Table ? Answer
2 What is a Column called? Answer
3 What is a Row called? Answer
4 Where do you find Non-Metals in the Periodic Table ? Answer
5 What is important about the Group Number of an Element ? Answer
6 What is the Electron Structure of Potassium ? Answer
The Alkali Metals
7 What is the Group Number of the Alkali Metals ? Answer
8 Why are the Alkali Metals stored under oil ? Answer
9 Give two Properties of the Alkali Metals ? Answer
10 Going down the Group , do the Alkali Metals become More Reactive ? Answer
11 Write the Word Equation for the reaction when Potassium burns in Air . Answer
12 What Colour is the Flame from Potassium ? Answer
13 Write the Balanced Equation for the reaction when Potassium burns in Air . Answer
14 Write the Balanced Equation for the reaction between Sodium and Water . Answer
15 Write two things you would See in the reaction between Sodium and Water . Answer
16 Write the Balanced Equation for the reaction between Lithium and Chlorine . Answer
17 Give one Property of an Alkali Metal Compound ? Answer
18 Give one Use of Sodium Chloride ? Answer
19 Give one Use of Sodium Carbonate ? Answer
The Electrolysis of Sodium Chloride in Water
20 What is Brine ? Answer
21 Which Gas is given off at the Cathode ? Answer
22 Which Gas is given off at the Anode ? Answer
23 Give the Ionic Equation for the Gas given off at the Anode . Answer
24 Why don't you get Sodium Metal at the Cathode ? Answer
27 What Substance is left in Solution after Electrolysis ? Answer
28 Give one Use of this Substance ? Answer
The Transition Metals
29 Where do you find the Transition Metals in the Periodic Table ? Answer
30 What is their Group Number ? Answer
31 Do the Transition Metals Conduct Electricity ? Answer
32 Do the Transition Metals form Coloured Compounds ? Answer
33 Give one Use of Copper ? Answer
34 Give one Example of a Transition Metal Used as a Catalyst . Answer
The Halogens
35 What is the Group Number of the Halogens ? Answer
36 What does Diatomic mean? Answer
37 What Colour is Chlorine ? Answer
38 What Colour is Bromine ? Answer
39 Is Iodine a Liquid ? Answer
40 Going down the Group , do the Halogens become More Reactive ? Answer
41 Going down the Group , do the Halogens have a Higher Boiling Point ? Answer
42 Write the Balanced Equation for the reaction between Aluminium and Chlorine . Answer
43 Write the Balanced Equation for the reaction of Chlorine with Potassium Iodide . Answer
44 Write the Ionic Equation for the reaction of Chlorine with Potassium Iodide . Answer
45 Give one Use of Fluoride ? Answer
46 Give one Use of Chlorine ? Answer
47 Give one Use of Bromide ? Answer
48 What does Hydrogen Chloride make when it is Dissolved in Water ? Answer
49 How is Hydrogen Chloride Safely Dissolved in Water ? Answer
The Noble Gases
50 What is the Group Number of the Noble Gases ? Answer
51 What does Monatomic mean? Answer
52 Going down the Group , do the Noble Gases have a Higher Boiling Point ? Answer
53 Give one Use of Helium ? Answer
54 Give one Use of Neon ? Answer
55 Give one Use of Argon ? Answer

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