Attendance Policy

The College of Veterinary Medicine class attendance policy will be in accordance with the University policy. According to the University attendance policy:

The designation of “excused absence” means that the instructor(s) will provide to the student an opportunity by which to address graded activities that occurred during the absence. Alternative activities may be arranged with the instructor(s) such that the student will not jeopardize his/her academic standing due to the excused absence. These activities may be the same as, or different from, materials completed by students present in the class. Unexcused absences will be handled according to the policy stated in the course syllabus.

Years 1-3 of DVM Program

  1. Students are expected to participate in all scheduled class activities during their veterinary education and are responsible for achieving the learning goals addressed by all materials/learning opportunities presented.
  2. Students who are absent due to illness or quarantine will not be penalized to ensure that they do not come to class when they are ill. The student should work with their instructor to arrange to make up missed work or exams. Students who are ill or quarantined should complete the 1st to 3rd Year Student Absence Form through PVMConnect so that their instructors of record can be notified.
  3. Absences for funerals, court appearances, family emergencies, and religious observances should be excused by the instructor of record. The student should complete an Excused Absence Request Form available in the Student Success Cetner in advance if possible. At the time of their absence, the student should submit the 1st to 3rd Year Student Absence Form through PVMConnect. Within one week of return to campus, the student should arrange with the instructor(s) of record to make up any missed work. Absences under these circumstances will not affect the number of days permitted for extracurricular educational activities in #5 below.
  4. Students elected to offices of professional organizations that require attendance at national meetings (e.g., Student American Veterinary Medical Association Purdue President, Student American Veterinary Medical Association delegates, national president of a national student organization) or requested to participate in PVM-sponsored events (e.g., Veterinary Practice Management Program) occurring during class time should request an excused absence from their instructors at the beginning of the semester in which the absence will occur. The student must submit a completed Excused Absence Request Form to the Student Success Center by the end of the second week of the semester or at least one month before the excused absence. The student is responsible for arranging to make up any missed work with his/her instructors. Excused absences for these purposes will not affect the number of days permitted for extracurricular educational activities in #5 below.
  5. Valuable extracurricular educational opportunities occur during the academic year, however, students’ first priority should be their courses. Students in the first semester of the DVM program are not allowed excused absences for extracurricular education. Students in the second through sixth semesters of the DVM program may request excused absences for up to 2.5 instructional days per semester. Some course experiences cannot be made up, such as some laboratory experiences and some group activities, so excused absences may not be given in these instances. Students requesting an excused absence to attend an educational experience must meet the following criteria:
  6. Attendance at the Purdue Veterinary Conference is not counted in the 2.5 instructional day limit noted in #5 above. Students may attend the Purdue Veterinary Conference to the extent that they are excused from their classes.

Year 4 of DVM Program

  1. Students who are absent from a clinical rotation (for illness or personal business) must contact their senior clinician and submit a Clinical Rotation Student Absence form through PVMConnect. Students who are ill are expected to stay home. If, due to an emergency, the student must contact their senior clinician and the Assistant Dean for Clinical Education as soon as possible
  2. Absences are divided into two categories (illness and personal business).