Legal Definition of Lien: Everything You Need to Know

A lien is the right to retain the lawful possession of another person's piece of property until the owner fulfills a legal duty to the person holding the property, such as the payment of lawful charges for work done on the property. A mortgage is a common lien.

In its most general meaning, this term includes every case in which real or personal property is charged with the payment of any debt or duty. In a more limited sense it is defined to be a right of detaining the property of another until some claim is satisfied. The right of lien generally arises by operation of law, but in some cases it is created by express contract.

Two Types of Liens

There are two types of liens: particular and general. When a person claims a right to retain property, in respect of money or labor expended on such particular property, this is a particular lien. Liens may arise in three ways: