Deed of Sale Sample for Cars Philippines

Deed of Sale Sample for Cars Philippines

If you're buying or selling a car, this Deed of Sale form is an absolute, essential document. You must fill this template out correctly and completely, and have it notarized. Doing this saves you a lot of work and headache in the future. This is a Deed of Absolute Sale template example. It is sometimes called DOS (Deed of Sale) or DOAS (Deed of Absolute Sale). This is usable and valid in the Philippines.

Link to the Deed of Sale (DOS)

If you already know what to do, here's the link to a fully editable Deed of Sale example file: Deed of Absolute Sale Link template to download. Just fill out the fields in the form and you're ready to go. For more information on DOS, read on.

You will need this DOAS when you go to the Land Transportation Office of the Philippines (LTO) to have the title of the motor vehicle/s transferred to you. We strongly suggest doing this ASAP.

Here's the Deed of Absolute Sale sample and what it looks like, for the Philippines. For your convenience, this is a fully editable Deed of Sale so that you don't need to print it out and write out the details individually, since you need 4 copies of the DOS for notarization and the other entities that need it. This is important and may be downloaded and used by both buyer and seller.

Some Notes and Information about the Deed of Sale (DOS)

Other Names

This form may also called a Deed of Sale, DOS, DOAS, Deed of Sale for Motor Vehicles, Deed of Sale for Cars, and other similar names. It's generally the same thing. There are similar other documents like Deed of Conditional Sale, but a DOAS is the one you should use for straight up sales.

An open deed of sale

Don't do it! An open deed of sale has become accepted practice in the Philippines, but that doesn't make it correct or risk-free for the seller. You see, if you give an Open DOS, the buyer may have the option to delay registering the car under his/ her name. And this happens more often than you think. This means that you continue to be the owner of record. If the car figures in an accident or crime, you're on the hook.

Mostly, used car dealers are the ones who ask for an open DOS because it is too much work to transfer to their name only to transfer t0 the new buyer's. This works if you trust your car dealer and know that he/ she will follow through and "close" the open Deed of Sale. If that's the case, then maybe the risks are manageable. but don't say we didn't warn you!

Notarize it

Yep, pay the notary public some money because it's important that the Deed of Sale is notarized. You'll have issues in the future if you don't do this step now.

There's a lot more, but hopefully this gets you started. Good luck buying or selling your car!