Proof of financing

Before you begin your studies, you will have to prove that you have enough money to support yourself. The document you need is called a “Finanzierungsnachweis”, or proof of financial resources. In most cases, applicants have to prove that they have around 11.208 euros at their disposal for one year. This amount of money is called "Regelbedarf", which means it is the amount of money that is estimated to be needed by a student to live in Germany for one year.

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Proof of financing: Various ways

There are a number of ways to show that you can finance your studies. The following forms of proof are possible:

Make sure to inquire at the German embassy in your country as to which form of financial proof is required!

1. Apply early enough
You can open a blocked account at various local German banks or online. Since there are many banks that provide blocked accounts, you should carefully check the respective offer before setting up the account. It usually takes just a week for the paperwork to be processed and the confirmation of your payment. It can take much longer, however, when the semester begins. That’s why we recommend completing the application for a blocked account well in advance.

2. Certify the application and required documents
For some local banks it is neccessary to have the completed forms and a copy of your passport certified by a German consulate general or the German embassy in your country. Only then should you send your documents to the selected financial institute. Please note: Do not send your documents as attached scans by e-mail or by fax; the bank only accepts originals. You can also of course open a blocked account online. This is often quicker and less complicated as you can upload documents and verify your identity digitally. Contact your choosen bank for more detailed and binding information.